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What is the group privacy mode of Telegram bots? And how to turn it off?

The group privacy mode
When you create a new Telegram bot from @BotFather, the newly created bot is in privacy mode by default. A bot running in privacy mode will not receive all messages that people send to the group. Instead, it will only receive:
- Messages that start with a slash ‘/’
- Replies to the bot's own messages
- Service messages (such as member join and left notifications)
- Messages from channels where it's a member
Since the bot in privacy mode cannot receive group messages, it cannot manage your Telegram community in this mode.
You can turn off a bot's group privacy mode through the following steps to restore the bot's ability to manage your communities.
How to turn off bot's group privacy mode
- Talk to @BotFather, and send
- In the bottom menu, select the username of the bot whose group privacy mode you want to turn off.
- Now the status of this bot's current group privacy mode will be displayed. If the message says "Current status is: ENABLED", that means the bot is currently in privacy mode and cannot manage your Telegram communities. Please press the "Disable" button at the bottom of the screen.
- You will see a notification when the operation is successful, that the bot's group privacy mode has been turned off.
Now your bot can receive group messages and help you manage your Telegram communities.